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The digital solution for company pensions

fubis solution

The individual system for your company‘s pension scheme

FuBIS – Online portals for company pension schemes

Learn about our features
digitale verwaltung

One system for everything: Smart management meets employee information

betriebliche altersvorsorge

Managing contracts and offers easily

Better overview, less effort with FuBIS

FuBIS is your digital solution to help simplify your company pension scheme and employee benefits

Thanks to the online platforms FuBIS for companies and FuBIS for you, employers can transfer the administration of their benefits, their employee’s information, as well as the benefit consultation process into the digital world. At its core, FuBIS has an inventory management system that facilitates benefit administration.

Your Advantages of Digital Management

  • Intuitive Processes

    User-friendly dashboard

  • 24/7 Transparency

    Data and contracts are always accessible

  • Administrative Relief

    Streamlined processes and convenient overviews reduce the administrative effort

  • Reduce Complexity

    Simplified administration in terms of notifications, applications and providing documents and information

  • Security Standards in compliance with GDPR, etc.

    All applicable data protection regulations are complied with

  • Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

    Employees can easily apply for and access benefits

Your Digital Benefit Mangement with FuBIS for companies and FuBIS for you

Smart solutions, intuitive portal: See yourself how easy FuBIS is to navigate – for your employees as well as your HR department regarding company pension schemes.

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Simplify your employee benefits in just a few steps!

Get to know FuBIS for companies and FuBIS for you now.

Implementation Road Map

Your digital solution to simplify employee benefits

Roadmap FuBIS
Roadmap FuBIS
Roadmap FuBIS
  • Vertragliche Grundlage zur Zusammenarbeit: Zuerst klären wir genau die gewünschten Dienstleistungen und halten diese vertraglich fest.
  • Unterstützung beim Stakeholder-Management: Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Information und ggf. Verhandlung mit involvierten Parteien oder Abteilungen wie z.B. mit dem Datenschutzbeauftragten, der IT-Sicherheit oder dem Betriebsrat
  • Informationsaustausch: Um Ihnen die Portale individuell einrichten zu können benötigen wir einige Informationen und Unterlagen, wie z.B. die rechtliche Grundlage für die Versorgung oder den Mitarbeiterbestand.
  • Gemeinsame Prozessabstimmung: In einem gemeinsamen Workshop stimmen wir die zukünftigen Abläufe für den Informations- und Datenaustausch miteinander ab.
  • Freischaltung und Schulung: Mit der Freischaltung eines Portals erhalten Sie eine umfassende Schulung sowie ein Benutzerhandbuch von uns.
  • Unterstützung bei der internen Kommunikation: Der Erfolg des Angebots einer Versorgung hängt von der richtigen Kommunikation an Stakeholder und Mitarbeitende ab. Gerne erstellen wir mit Ihnen gemeinsam die geeigneten Kommunikationsmittel dafür.
  • Go Live: Auch den GoLive Termin stimmen wir gemeinsam ab, damit alles vorbereitet ist dann kann es losgehen ...

Our Satisfied Clients

Things to Know about Funk

When it comes to insurance matters, Funk is consistently up to date and has been for over 140 years. In Germany, Funk is the largest owner-managed, independent insurance broker and risk consultant.

We offer expertise in many markets and industries, advise companies holistically in Europe, and have over 1,560 employees. We are represented in over 100 countries and have our own broker network.

Sustainability is important to us. This commitment cannot be detached from our values as a family-run, traditional company. We focus on corporate governance, environmental and social issues.

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You can also find us here:

Funk Gruppe

You can reach us via phone at +49 89 544 681 36 and via email at welcome@funk-gruppe.de

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Funk meets the requirements for quality management and information security according to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.